This is a good example of what happens when people are ignorant and confused: They get angry.

They feel threatened and all they know how to do is fight. It is that cycle of ignorance and violence that's destroying America, and the only cure is The Truth.

Knowledge is Power and until people stand up and demand the truth from their "elected" representatives, nothing will change.

Dear HempFarm. . .

Subject: your stupidity
alex caiola <>
Date: Sat, Aug 02, 2003 16:41:00

Your article is a worthless piece of drivel because you sound like a fucking blithering idiot


Subject: Re: your stupidity
To: alex caiola <>
Date: Wed Oct 22, 2003 7:58:51

Ms. Caiola,

You'll have to be more specific, I don't know which article you're referring to, though I'm sure that most of my articles will seem like drivel to a person of your obvious intelligence and concern for the future.

Somebody once said "The truth shall set us free," and I'm not afraid to admit when I'm wrong, so please feel free to send me a detailed explanation of where I have erred, and how I can find the facts about whatever subject it was that confused you (comprehensive footnotes would be a great help so I may learn the truth for myself and apply that knowledge to my future writing).

Stereotypes hurt, and I'm sure that you're not some kind of ignorant, fundamentalist, warmonger who would rather bury your head in the sand and beg the wolves for protection, than teach your children how to protect themselves and make the world a better place for the their own children. That being the case, I also have no doubt that we are on the same side when it comes to our collective quest for peace and love on this planet.

After all, ain't that how God planned it?

Thank you for your interest, I look forward to reading your notes.

Peace through Hemp!

Zed B. Starkovich


Subject: zed b. starkovich
: alex caiola <>
Date: Wed, 06 Aug 2003 03:27:43

Dear Mr. Stark raving mad,

Where I come from, slandering a man of honor like Tom Kean is a very big mistake. I suggest you move on to harsher drugs to cope with the backlash that will come to you if you ever utter a negative word about Mr. Kean or his fine family again.
Kean Worthy Sentinel


Subject: Mr. Alex Caiola
: "Zed B. Starkovich" <>
To: alex caiola <>
Date: Thu, August 7, 2003 13:54

Mr. Caiola,

Thanks for the "anonymous" threatening letter. Where I come from there's no better way to prove someone is a 'man of honor' than to hide behind a mask and make threats against anybody who doesn't seem to agree with you. It worked so well in the conservative glory days of the KKK and Union Busting, why stop now?

Unfortunately, I was more than a little confused by your last note since you didn't mention which article it was that so upset you, and I couldn’t remember ever writing anything at all about Tom Kean. So, after a little bit of digging through my site, I can only assume that the article in question is "Meet the New Boss" at

You will also notice that I didn't write that article, it was written by Matthew Callan from, so if you have problems with that specific article, by all means feel free to threaten him.

I reprinted the article because the National 9/11 Commission and its independence from political and corporate influence is at the center of the many unanswered questions about those attacks and how to stop more innocent people from dying in the future. So far, I have been optimistic about the efforts of the Commission, but it is also abundantly clear that the Bush administration is doing everything it can to make their mission of finding the truth as difficult as possible. The Bush people are still dragging their feet and withholding information, and the 9/11 Commission is still begging for the $15 million it was promised to do the job. By contrast, the Republican controlled Congress happily gave $70 million of our tax money to Ken Starr for the Clinton Whitewater investigation.

Tam Kean may very well be completely beyond reproach, a wonderful person, and the best choice in the world for the job, but the Bush administration has a long history of placing questionable people in important positions, and that makes any question of impropriety a legitimate public concern. A real Democracy is built upon a well informed public, and I believe that it is more important to ask questions and openly discuss the facts than to hide from the truth and blindly trust an administration full of corporate lawyers and warmongers who tell us to sit down, shut up, and toe the factory line.

My website is not about irrelevant, divisive politics, its about stopping wars for oil by rebuilding the agricultural infrastructure of America. Either we continue to perpetuate our dependence on foreign oil, or we find a better way. That ‘better way’ is by allowing American farmers to grow the natural resources we need to survive, instead of invading countries and slaughtering the local population to protect our access to oil we don’t need. Everything petrochemicals do can be done better, cheaper, and cleaner with renewable natural resources like hemp. The ‘answer’ is simply using clean carbohydrates from plants, instead of toxic hydrocarbons from petroleum.

The 9/11 attacks and their direct connection to Saudi Arabia (the Bush family’s long time partner in the oil business) is central to my contention that this administration’s dependence on foreign oil, and their current foreign policy based on protecting that oil, is destroying the lives of the people of this country.

If the central point of Government is to protect the people from all enemies, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, then they have failed so completely it can only be called mind numbing stupidity or outright treason.

If a word like ‘treason’ upsets you, consider its definition “giving aid and comfort to the enemy,” then look at the Bush Junta’s business partners and how much they’ve done to protect their profits by lying to us and stealing our money. (Iran Contra, the Savings and Loan Scandal, and Enron also come to mind.)

Mr. Bush’s business partners build pipelines around the world and protect them by selling weapons to local tyrants like Saddam Hussein, Manuel Noriega, Augusto Pinochet, the Taliban, and Saudi Arabia. Why? Because they are businessmen, and their business is making money, not protecting people. President Bush’s father and his partners at The Carlyle Group (who included the Bin Laden family) are just one example of a corporation that profits from weapons sales and the oil business while supporting Third World terrorism.

The fact that fundamentalist warmongers thump the bible, preach hate, steal our tax money, and send our children around the world to die, then shrug their shoulders and declare that they just don’t have enough money to build schools or clean up our environment or regulate corporate crime, is a fucking joke. It’s nothing but National Socialism under a thin veil of Corporate Propaganda and half-backed Neo-Conservative bullshit.

The President and his oil buddies have proven over and over again that when they say they are protecting “National Security” they mean pipelines, not people.

It is also clear from the Joint Congressional 9/11 Investigation that questions about political influence are at the heart of the CIA and FBI’s failure to stop the attacks. When this administration says they want the truth, they only mean as long as it doesn’t affect “National Security” by exposing the long history of terrorist support by Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, or any of the other right-wing fundamentalist regimes that the CIA has been propping up around the world in order to keep the “cheap” oil and other exploited resources flowing.

When Saudi Arabia is given a free ride, but Rumsfeld’s old buddy Iraq is turned to rubble and handed over to Halliburton for “reconstruction” without a single question from the corporate owned “Liberal Media,” I begin to worry about the state of our Democracy and the “well informed public” that waves flags and cheers while more innocent people die.

As somebody once said, “You’re either with us, or you’re against us.” I suggest you do a little research to find out who your friends are and who’s poisoning our children while smiling wide and robbing us blind.

Peace and good luck,
Zed B. Starkovich

More Letters and Extras. . .