Welcome to the HempFarm!
We've all been busy over the last few months taking stock of our lives and wondering what we can do to make the world a slightly better place. For that reason I've created The HempFarm.org, a non-profit, non-partisan human aid society with one goal in mind: Teaching everybody on the planet the simple fact that our current dependence on petroleum is COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY!
We don't need petroleum and never have. Everything now done with expensive and toxic petrochemical products and processes can be done better, cheaper, cleaner, and stronger with renewable natural resources grown by every farmer in the world.
The goal of The HempFarm is simply to make the world a better place by exposing the fact that the "demon weed" Hemp has actually been the most important natural resource known to man for more than 12,000 years.
Changing the world may take a little time, but its better than building chemical weapons, as I always say.
Simply put: We can either continue to rally in fear behind fossil fuels and Wars for Oil while we pour more and more of our tax money into the bank accounts of overseas oil companies, or we can honestly look for a better way to fill our fundament need for food, clothing, shelter, and fuel.
I don't claim to know all the answers, but all the answers are out there, and if we work together in a united quest for peace and freedom, we just might make things a little bit better for our families and friends.
The New Stuff:
Our Book of the Month:
The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in The Global Drug Trade
By Alfred W. McCoy. This book is a landmark in documenting the long history of CIA support for Drug running terrorists from Vietnam to Afghanistan.
A Few Hemp Facts:
The Kentucky Hemp Museum and Library give us this quick list of facts for those curious about the mysterious weed known for thousands of years as Cannabis. This well referenced list makes a great E-mail for anybody who's never even heard the word Hemp.
The Cannabis/Hemp FAQ:
For everybody who wants all the details they can get, this Hemp FAQ is a goldmine of information. It's 'the answer to all your questions' as they say.
The Billion Dollar Crop:
In 1937 Popular Mechanics wrote an article about Hemp "The ancient crop that could end the depression." By the time the article ran in 1938, Hemp had been banned as a dangerous drug that "made Mexicans and Negroes rape white women." See the truth for yourself, before it disappears down the memory hole forever.
The Shadow of the Swastika:
What do Nazis and the giants of corporate American industry have to do with congress and the mass media declaring Hemp "the most violence causing drug know to man?" Some might declare the complex history behind the prohibition of Hemp a 'conspiracy theory' (if it weren't all true).
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We need your help spreading the truth about the past and future of renewable natural resources. Please send all the Hemp news and information you find to: Contact@HempFarm.org
It's time to stand for the truth, or fall for the lies.
As Bob Marley said: "We've been trotting on your wine press for much too long. Rebel! Rebel!"
Once you know the truth, you can only lie down or fight.
Zed B. Starkovich
The HempFarm.org