Candidate 2012 Press Release
Jan. 2002

Do you believe that in America, anyone can grow up to be President? Have you ever dreamed it could be you? HBO’s new series, Candidate 2012, will follow the journey of one curious and compelling young American as he or she travels across the country in an attempt to figure out what it will take to become President of the United States in the year 2012.
Do you want to travel the country? Talk to diverse groups of people? Learn the issues that are important to them? Shape America's future? If you are selected, you’ll criss-cross the nation, meeting different people from all walks of life. You’ll figure out what matters to people all over the country. You’ll share your ideas and get turned on to new ones. You’ll find out what people think, what they’re looking for in a leader, and how you might become their choice for the year 2012.
We’re looking for someone between the ages of 24 and 29*. Someone with a driving curiosity, passion and sense of humor. Someone who has had the thought, "If only I were President, I know what I’d do." Someone who thinks that the system may very well be broken. Someone who likes to travel, meet people and exchange ideas. Someone who would like the voice of his or her generation to be heard.
Are you Candidate 2012?
* 2012 must be the first Presidential election in which you’d be eligible to run. Since you need to be 35 in order to run for President of the U.S., applicants must currently be between the ages of 24 and 29.