The Candidate 2012 Letters

5/15/02 - 7:01 AM
Re: Welcome to the Machine. . .
From: Pepper Bryars

Zed, isn't there a village out there you're depriving
of its idiot?

Just kidding, my friend, just kidding.

But I really hope you're right about the global
warming deal . . . I can't stand cold weather.

Think of it: if we didn't have long cold winters, then
we wouldn't need all that nasty coal and dirty oil for
heating, and all those baby seals, minks and foxes
wouldn't need to be clubbed in the head to make
jackets for all those rich Republicans and famous

We could all live like y'all do in sunny Southern
California, which, in a geopolitical sense, should
make the rest of the country as enlightened as y'all
Californians, right? I mean, since the cities out
there are so clean, and the air is so breathable,
don't we cavemen in Alabama have a lot to learn from
our advanced brothers on the Left Coast? Surely
Alabama's air is too clean and our water to drinkable,
which makes us poor souls think in the backward
fashion that we do, but maybe the Bush-Cheney Energy
Plan can change that . . . maybe some good old
fashioned California pollution could give us stupid
conservatives a taste of polluted water and dirty air
so our intellect will be on par with all those sissy
college professors in New England and the know-it-all
mystics in California.

But, I digress.

Zed, I would have watched the show just to see how
long it took before you got your ass beat (just
kidding, again).

But if HBO wanted a really interesting show, they
should have locked you and me in an elevator and had
us debate the issues until one of us killed the other.
But, to be fair, I would have insisted that half my
brain and one of my arms be tied behind my back so it
wouldn't end too quickly.

Oh, by the way, Amsterdam sucks. If it weren't for a
bunch of good 'ol fashioned ass-whipping Americans,
all those pot-smoking sissies in The Netherlands would
be speaking German. How much fun would that place be

Nuff said.

The Green Party lives!!!!! Yoda for President in

Peace out!

~ Pep
Freelance freedom fighter and part-time ceramics instructor