Zed and "P" iza to the "E"za to the "P"iza-ziza,
Zed, what you accomplished in your last informative letter--well copied and
pasted my friend--is exactly the kind of people/party bashing that has
brought debates and innovation to a halt. You can not seek compromise or
that feeling of "spreading the love" through declaring that everyone who
came before you and who now holds office should be locked up in mental
health facilities or visited by the plague for their corrupt Nazi terrorist
activities--or those of their fathers and mothers. And there are no
solutions in aggrandizing the plight of the down trodden as it only
reinforces a stereotype in the first place and in some ways removes blame
form liberals and conservatives as they can back out saying they must deal
with things "the way they are." Maybe it is not the way people perceive it
to be? All of this rhetoric--and it is rhetoric even as much as pep's
u-know-yer-a-redneck-when-speech--only reinforces the image that liberals
are high level pulpit bashers with no plan for change. This is also not the
way it is. Plenty of liberals have a spine--they just seem to be in a
pattern of de-evolution from what used to be considered full blown
libertarianism or liberalism. We will get onto hemp...and you should know I
am wearing a hemp shirt today.
Pep, well butter my butt and call me a biscuit you hi-flyn' redneck! If
your emails get any phunnier I may have to hire someone to help me enjoy
them. Although I am busier than a cat covering crap on a marble floor I
wanted to let you know that sometimes your emails make it sound like you
fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. Listen you
yoda-lover, my cow died last night so I don't need your bull. I mean
seriously, you can't sit up there and pee down my back and tell me it's
raining my brother--especially after you ate asparagus for diner last night!
You are better than that. And when you have been called out on the mat for
the heavyweight fight to discuss what you would do to make things better how
far will your "gooder'n than grits" platform take you? Watching that would
be worse than seeing a one legged man compete in an ass-kicking contest.
Pep, you've got more to say than "y'all" even though your emails make you
seem so stuck up you would die in a rainstorm. You also freely admit that
William Jefferson Clinton was the best president your party ever brought to
office so follow your leader.
General Note:
Corruption is a form of hypocrisy and ALL PEOPLE ARE HYPOCRITES. It should
not be shocking to read of Bill Clinton's lies or the secret life of Papa
Bush and Baby Bush. It is shocking that we spend more time talking about
those issues rather than real change. This is not meant to sound doomsday so
read on. Some people are low level hypocrites of the "little lies" order and
some excel and make it into an institutionalized art form. But people are
hypocrites because they are striving to be more than they are now--they want
to appear to be able to do more and make everyone happy even when they can
not. Where do you think tragic flaws come from? This type of corruption
exists in both--gulp-"major" parties and the Green party because they are
all run by people. Other than Ed Bagley Junior, I am not sure if anyone can
say they are a true member of the Green party. And other than Baby Bush, I
am not sure if anyone can say their idol is Kim-Jong-Il--who is the only
true republican out there--oh and W. also said he liked Jesus too right? SO
GET OVER THE PARTY POLITICS. Or don't and I will run as an independent and
escort you all to the door.
Zed, there is no excuse for the energy policy of the US federal government.
It is covered in the type of high level hypocrisy I mentioned above. To
turn away any natural resource or to hinder the innovation of any renewable
source of energy is inexcusable. Clinton was the first president in over 12
years to NOT demand a raise in the fuel efficiency of vehicles which paved
the way for Bush to continue to do as little as possible to stay below
radar. The Land Rover vehicles I have been involved with were designed in
1948 to run on vegetable oil and food oil or even old and used "chippy" oil.
The design for cleaner engines dates back to the first Fords. We have it
--why don't we use it? I know the standard answers--but what do we actually
do about it? Hemp and other organic foods can be one answer to a very large
energy/geo-political independence problem. And hemp can also make a really
great shirt. I think smoking it leads to some long term problems--see
I think we all hope the HBO show goes to new places and into hard situations
and tries to give viewers a look at a young person struggling to find
answers to seemingly insurmountable issues. Schools, race, crime, drugs,
food, energy, poverty. What makes a nation truly advanced? What makes a
civilization better for all people? How do we as a group of young people who
met in LA make a difference? I think we will each find a way.
There is nothing as heart warming as seeing a dismissive intelligent
conservative and a cynical intelligent hemp grower on the same email page.
Thanks for the messages guys.
"the common & continual mischiefs of the spirit of Party are sufficient to
make it the interest and the duty of a wise People to discourage and
restrain it." George Washington
PS Pep, did you guys ever figure out how to get Helen Keller her place of
honor without the daughters of the confederacy raising Gen. Lee from the
dead to march on Washington?